College Park Church

Huntington, Indiana -

Phone: 2603562642

College Park is affiliated with the United Brethren in Christ (, located in Huntington, Indiana (pop. 19K city, 37K county), next to Huntington University.  Attendance averages 250 adults in worship, and is currently among the largest churches in Huntington. The mission/purpose is: "College Park Church exists to develop thriving followers of Jesus". 

In an effort to bring this mission to life in this season of ministry, our current vision is: "To reach, teach, and equip families to passionately follow Jesus". This vision statement is crucial for understanding the current state of ministry, direction, and development at College Park.  Our “all in focus” right now is ministry and relationships relevant to families with children living at home. We are unapologetically directing much of our attention, energy, and resources to our children, students, and family ministries. 

We are seeking a true visionary and self-directing, innovating, leader to help lead our church family upward and forward into fruitful relationships, ministry structures, and the reach of our ministry into the community.